The group operates the repeaters GB3AW, GB3BN, GB3RD, GB7BK, GB3RU, MB7UJ
The Thames Valley Repeater Group installs, maintains and manages Amateur Radio Repeaters throughout the Berkshire and Hampshire areas.
Welcome to the new TVRG website, which has only recently become active. It has a new format containing existing information and new details which we hope will be of interest to you. The site is undergoing continual change so take another look soon.
Below, you will find the latest posts that may interest you.
Currently no more KM3000/4000 radios available
For the last two and a half years we have been selling Key Radio KM3000 and KM4000 VHF mobile radios. We have sold a large number and they appear to have been very well received. Last weekend (14th July 2024) we had a stand at the local McMichael Rally. This was very successful…
NEW 2024 Frequency plan for KM radios
All KM4000 (and KM3000) radios bought from the TVRG after May 1st 2024 will have updated frequencies. These are taken from the ETCC website as of May 2024. Details can be found here.
Now selling KM4000 radios – KM3000s all sold!
TVRG have been selling Key Radio KM3000 radios since July 2022. We have now sold all we have of the current stock of KM3000s and future orders will be fulfilled by the KM4000 radios. The KM4000 is a later version of the KM3000. It is identical and operates in the same way with…
TVRG will be at the Newbury and the McMichael Rallies this summer
The Thames Valley Repeater Group is pleased to announce that it will be attending both the Newbury Radio Rally on the 23rd June and the McMichael Radio Rally (Reading) on Sunday July 14th 2024. Please come along to our table (Newbury) and our Stand (McMichael) and see what we have to offer. For…
TVRG now selling Ascom SE550 microphones!
One of our members, Chris, G0JTN, has been selling replacement microphones for the Ascom SE550 transceivers. There are a number of them in use, mainly on the 70MHz band, and given their age of about 35 years, the microphones and microphone leads are now showing signs of age and deterioration. Chris has been…
Key KM3000 2m VHF radios for Sale NOW ALL SOLD AND WE’RE SELLING THE KM4000 for still only £20!
Where else can you buy a professional class transceiver (this is no cheap Chinese radio) for this price. It has 15W output power and is ready programmed with all the U.K. analogue VHF FM repeaters on the 2m band. Complete with microphone and mounting bracket. Amazing value for only £20 plus postage and…