GB3BN is located in Bracknell, Berkshire, 3 miles SE of M4 junction 10. The locator square for this repeater is IO91OJ.

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Transmit frequency433.000 MHz
Receive frequency434.600 MHz
Antenna Skymast S.M4 four stack dipole at 52m AGL (145m ASL) with 5.5dBd gain
ERP14dBW (25W)
Access methodCTCSS 118.8Hz (J)
Base stationKey Radio Systems KF450
LogicG8CUL logic system
ConfigurationSingle aerial working using Procom DPF 70/6-150-1.6/3 duplexer
CoverageClick  here to view predicted coverage (60k). Plot provided by the ETCC

GB3BN provides coverage in Bracknell, Wokingham, Maidenhead, Slough and around Reading. Coverage for mobiles extends into West London along the M4 and M40. Westward coverage reaches Junction 13 (M4/A34) with coverage to the north for parts of the M40. There is less coverage to the south but parts of the M3 are covered.