The costs
Running a Repeater can be an expensive business and remember this is meant to be a hobby.
Annual costs include site rental, electricity and insurance to name a few. Site rental in particular is becoming more of a problem as the majority of radio site operators are only too familiar with the term “Commercial rates”.
The approximate cost of running our 6 repeaters is in the region of £1200 per annum, in addition to this there are additional costs of maintenance, site moves and enhancements.
Not to be forgotten are the costs of all the equipment, such as transmitters, receivers, filters, logic and antennas and supporting infrastructure.
How can you help?
Well, the answer to this is quite simple, if you use one or more of the repeaters, then please consider making a donation to the Group.
We differentiate between Donations and income from Sales. Whilst monies from Sales will obviously assist with the repeaters, donations mean more as they come from users, not people just wanting to pick up a cheap radio.
We are very grateful from regular donations from the Reading and District Amateur Radio Club and the McMichael Rally, together with donations from other local Clubs, but we would like to see more donations from the regular users.
How can I donate?
There are two ways:
Donate using PayPal, it’s easy quick and secure. Please donate to TVRG using PayPal to send money to tvrg@ntlworld.com This is a Friends and Family account and PayPal will not take a fee, and all of your donation will go to TVRG. Thank you. Please click the logo below to open a separate tab.
Alternatively, you can make a BACS transfer directly to our business Bank account. The Sort Code is 30-99-50 and the account number is 15584762. The Bank is Lloyds.
Thank you very much if you have donated!