GB3AW is located in Faccombe, Hampshire, approximately 11km SSW of Newbury.

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Transmit Frequency433.250MHz
Receive Frequency434.850MHz
Antenna3dB colinear
ERP14dBW (25W)
Access methodCTCSS 71.9Hz (B)
Base stationKey Radio Systems KF450
LogicG3OUV logic system
ConfigurationSingle aerial working using Procom DPF 70/6-150-1.6/3 duplexer
CoverageClick here to view predicted coverage. Plot provided by the ETCC.

GB3AW has a large coverage but is currently underused. Coverage extends down the A34 towards Winchester and includes Andover, Newbury, Hungerford and the A4/M4 corridor between Newbury and Reading.